Dear Members,
I am forwarding the below statement from Pun Hlaing Estate which confirms the Estate will be opening access starting on Saturday 16th May. This will of course permit you access to the Golf course so long as you have made a booking and provided details. Booking will be mandatory and we will require a name and contact number for everyone playing Golf. We will continue to operate with some services limited and the staff taking precautions wearing PPE. The 1:1 Caddie service will resume but again with some new guidelines mentioned below. At all times when entering the Golf Club and or using the facilities we request strict social distancing. Please see below guidelines;
Golf Bag Drop
This service will be unavailable until 1st June. From 16th May until 1st June Golfers are advised to take your own Golf bag to the starting area near the putting green to collect a trolley or cart. Trolleys and Carts will be sanitized and 1 person per cart policy only.
Check in / Lobby
A maximum of 2 people will be permitted to check-in or make payment at a time
Tape will be marked on the floor to clearly mark cue spacing
Keep your social distance to other persons to a safe level of 6 feet
Must book in advance with names and numbers of all players per booking
Tee times will be at 10 minute intervals from 05.40am
1 Golfer per cart, no sharing and drive yourself (caddie will walk behind)
Masks must be worn in all public areas
Maintain social distancing of 6 feet throughout the round
No shaking hands after round
Flag always stay in the hole, do not touch
Do not touch rakes (caddies will do this)
Wash and sanitize hands at all opportunities
Will wear masks and gloves
Stay 6 feet away from Golfers and each other during the round.
Pass Golfer’s clubs by holding the club head (do not touch the grip)
Cannot touch/hold your umbrella or drinks
Will still give advice of yardage to the hole, line of putts and all usual maintenance plus keep your score
Locker rooms
Lockers / showers will be available with limited service
Locker toilets / hand washing basins will be available for use at all times
All essential areas are disinfected by Pest control teams, daily
All buggies and trolleys are disinfected before / after use
Hand sanitizers will be placed around the clubhouse, kiosks and starting area
Driving range as normal, don’t touch the ball baskets with your hand. Ask the staff to tip balls out or use your club.
Signage will be placed around the clubhouse / toilets reminding people to wash hands
Kiosks 1 and 10 only will be open offering drinks only
Stay safe, keep the best hygiene and thank you for your continued support at this challenging time.
Safe wishes,
Stephen Chick
Golf Director
Read Pun Hlaing Statement here.
