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The Pun Hlaing Golf Club News September/October 2020


A word from Golf Director, Stephen Chick

First and foremost I wish that everyone able to read this newsletter and enjoy the updates is healthy at this challenging time as Myanmar battles against the severe spike of covid cases, but as we all abide by strict government regulations, we hope this collective effort will help us to pull through this difficult time and see brighter days ahead. Prior to the recent lockdown notice progress on both the Golf Academy and Pro Shop was very positive, however as you will be aware construction has had to stop by 24th September and our progress shall be temporarily halted but spirits remain high of being able to open such high caliber facilities in the near future. I am happy to announce that since the previous newsletter we have a new arrival to the team as PGA Teaching Professional Mr Phil Moore successfully arrived after a long wait to enter. Phil is originally from Northern Ireland where he has held Professional postings but most recently spent 2 years in Saudi Arabia growing the game and enjoying warmer climates which will no doubt help him acclimatize for the approaching hot season. Phil brings a strong passion and background in developing Junior Golfers, so stay tuned to club news as many programs will be launched soon which will also include some fun learning for adults too. If I can try to shed some more positive light on this lockdown and temporary closure of the course, I am very pleased to say that Ko Zaw Min and his team who many moved on to Pun Hlaing Estate have managed to complete some much needed works which will benefit the Golf course tremendously going in to the warm weather season and will prevent us needing to close the course as scheduled in October for bi-annual coring as this was the first job completed once locked down. Their sacrifice and hard work during this difficult time speaks volumes of their loyalty and accountability. I sincerely hope to see everyone back Golfing at the club as soon as possible once we can re-open. Until then please remain smart, healthy and safe.

Pun Hlaing Golf Academy coming soon!

Please join me in welcoming Phil Moore


A word on the Agronomy

This monsoon season has been quite kind to us in terms of the rainfall not being as excessive as years gone by and the rainfall we have received has been combined with plenty on sunshine which is so important, even in short bursts the UV that penetrates through to the turf is essential in the growth process.

As we have been required to close temporarily this has enabled the team to execute some quite aggressive techniques which would be difficult to complete while open and busy with Golfers and would concern many with a rough appearance for a couple of weeks. The first job we prioritised to complete was coring all the greens with larger 12mm needle tines, applied soil based nutrients and then top-dressed with finely washed sand. Then we verticut all collars and aprons at 4mm (the tightly mowed area surrounding every green) which is on the aggressive side of moderate and this was to remove the heavy build up of thatch and you can see in the image below just how much was removed. This is like when you have your haircut and the barber ‘thins’ it out. This will help with improved drainage and provide really nice tight lies so you can pick your ball off the turf when chipping. Following this, the same process was complete on all tee-box’s but this time we used the fairway mower unit as the build of thatch was greater and this is a stronger machine to handle demand. Finally, after acquiring and testing some new products to see which combination was most effective to eliminate the ugly looking ‘torpedo grass weed’, we have experienced positive results so spraying of all bunker faces and roughs will be completed. An interesting fact about the ‘torpedo weed’ is the root of this weed can often be as long as 6feet and grow down so deep thus making it very difficult to remove.


Coring of the collars and surrounds

Topdressing the greens after coring and using the drag mat to ensure the sand funnels in to the holes

Verticutting collars and aprons


Hole in One

Congratulations Mr Jose Angeja for holing out @ hole 3 with a 5 iron during the monthly Sparrows Fun Tournament!!


Congratulations Ko Sai Kyaw Win for achieving an Albatross 2 on the 7th Hole which is a par 5 during the ASEAN 53rd anniversary Golf Tournament by DIGAY.

Member news

Congratulations to the Sparrows society who continue to donate. Another MMK 2,000,000 was raised from monthly fun events in August & September and proceedings to a local disabled children’s care centre. Fantastic to see and well done to all involved!!


New Members


Mr. Eddy Herbert

U Ah Wai @ Li Ton Wai

U Sit Thway Aung

U Yang Ho

U Sann Oo Hlaing

U Maung Maung Htwe

Mr. Wu Jun

Mr. Li Jifeng

Mr. Fang Wei Biao

Mr. Kong Xi Zhong

Mr. Jin Wen Zhi

Mr. Wang Wei Jie

Mr. Wang Yong Bing

Mr. Zhang Anwei

Mr. Wu Caide

Mr. Li Sulong

Mr. Qi Mafei

Mr. Zhu Jun

Mr. Haessig Shiraz Herbert

Mr. Haessig Jules Miguel

Mr. Dean Cleland


U Sit Taing Aung

Col. Edward Robert Evans

U Tun Naing @ Mr. Lin Kawen

U Hla Win

Daw Hla Hla Mu

U Pyae Sone

Daw Zinmar Win

U Zaw Oo

U Lwin Moe

Ma Thida Htut

Mr. Sasaki Tatsuya

Mr. Vedant Daga

Ma Phyu Phyu San


Pro’s Top Tip!

“I thought for my first ‘tip of the month’, I would give everyone a taste into the simplistic nature of how I teach Golf. What better area to begin than my favourite shot in Golf, a Greenside Bunker. I hope these simple tips will help your bunker game and I look forward to meeting everyone very soon!” - Phil Moore

The best way to beat the Bunker ‘demons’ and play a high bunker shot that lands softly;

  1. Open the club face at address, THEN take your grip. This will help ensure the club head does not dig into the ground too excessively and will engage the ‘bounce’ (the ‘sole’ of the club designed to prevent digging).

  2. Sitting down more in your set-up position with extra knee flex will help the club face point straighter towards your intended target & add more loft.

  3. Move the ball position to where it's opposite your left heel (or right heel for left handed players). This will help you get the club head to enter the ball slightly behind the ball (1-2 inches) and also have the handle leaning more backward toward your belt buckle which will also prevent the club digging as mentioned above.

  4. Apply 60% weight to your left side (or right side for left handed players).

  5. Final touch, AGGRESSION when swinging through the sand.

Good Luck and should you need any clarification on the above or better still a demonstration or bunker lesson, please get in touch with me:

Phil Moore - PGA Teaching Professional


Members' Corner – A quick 9 holes with Ma Zarchi Tin

1. How long have you been a member of PHGC?

It has been a year since I became a member of PHGC.

2. Tell us, what inspired you to start playing Golf?

It’s a family affair! When I was much younger, I used to follow my father on the course and watch him play. Today, my brother is a single handicap and he coaches me when he has the time. Lastly my husband is also a keen golfer. We love playing golf together and spending time on the course. We are both adventurous and love the outdoors. I have always been a big believer of mental and physical wellness, and golf plays a big part in that for me. Not only do I get to destress and unwind from my role as a busy working mother, but I also do a lot of walking. Dressing up in fashionable golfing outfits also makes me happy!

Golf is a game of strategy, and the satisfaction from have a good round makes me look forward to the next game. The sport is also a great way to network with my business partners, meet like-minded people, and make new friends. It has become a big part of my weekly routine.

3. How often do you get to play?

Before COVID-19, I was playing only once or twice each month. But now that I am working from home, I play three to five times a week. My game has improved significantly since then. My husband and I usually tee off at 5:30am and finish 9 holes by 7:30am. I get to have breakfast with my two daughters at home and I start work at 8am. Golfing in the morning puts me in a fresh state of mind and gives me the energy to get through a busy work day.

4. Do you have a favourite club in your bag & why?

The 4-Wood is my favourite golf club. It provides me with stable shots and gave me the furthest hit so far.

5. Do you have a favourite caddie at PHGC?

I can’t choose! All the caddies at PHGC are lovely people. I usually don’t book my favourite caddy as I play 9 holes most of the time, and they may lose a turn while waiting for me. During the lockdown, I didn’t have a golf trainer. So, I prefer meeting different caddies because I get to learn new tricks from each of them. They have become my personal coaches!

6. Which is your favourite hole & why?

Hole 16 is my favourite. It is beautiful, challenging and I usually get my best score at that hole.

7. Golf at ’sunrise’ or ’sunset?

Definitely sunrise. The air is fresher, and it is more cooling in the morning.

8. What is your favourite food or drink after Golf?

Berry smoothies. It is very refreshing and boosts my energy after a game. Everyone should try it!

9. What are your Golfing ambitions?

Golf is a recreational activity for me where I get to spend time with my family and friends. I don’t necessarily have to be a single handicap, but I do want to continually improve so that I can play well and feel good about it. You cannot compare the feeling of having a good hit or a good game to anything else. Golf is a game where you can continually improve with practice and a sound course strategy.



Matchplay Championship update; Matches will resume once possible and we hope to conclude prior to the club Championship 2020


Save the date for 2020 Club Championships 5th & 6th December

General Reminders

  • Hygiene best practices at all times (sanitise, social distance & repeat)

  • Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook & Instagram @punhlainggc


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Developed by Myanmar's Real Estate Developer Yoma Land

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