Dear Valued Members, I write this email to update you regarding the Golf club status during the approaching Thingyan holidays. I completely appreciate that now the WHO has labeled COVID-19 a global pandemic that there may be less people traveling overseas than in previous years, therefore wishing to play Golf at Pun Hlaing. However, I have held meetings with the team and they would like to continue tradition of having a well earned respite during their national holiday and new year. Furthermore and a reason they wish to take a well earned break, as 2019 was the first year Pun Hlaing Golf Club opened 7 days a week with no more closed Mondays, this means the club has reduced the previous 60 day (approx) closed days per year down to 5.
So not only is it the team who need to re-charge batteries it is the Golf Course turf itself which has been handling very high volumes recently and this 5 day period will be essential for us to execute some very important maintenance programs, such as aeration, verticutting and heavy top dressings. All of the above are to ensure the best standards and service upon opening the doors Saturday 18th April. Also, please do note that Star City Links will be open 4 of the 5 days we close and all PHGC members can enjoy 50% discounted Green fees, as Star City Links will only close 1 day on Friday 17th April.
In the event of any changes to the above due to the status of COVID-19 we will update all members accordingly as priority.
Again, thank you for continued support and happy Golfing.
Golf Director Stephen Chick
